A little About Hunter Nation AND Fishing With Captain Smith





We are so glad that Luke Hilgemann is joining us once again.  Luke is President and CEO of Hunter Nation.   Luke is an avid hunter, a dedicated Father, and a successful businessman.  In our interview we will discuss Hunter Nation and how you can join this organization.  Hunter Nation is working every day,  365 days a year to preserve the right to hunt.  Only 4% of the United States population hunt.   That’s a small number and we would want to make sure our voices are heard and that we stand up to anti-hunting groups.  We want to  carry on our love of the outdoors and pass it on to our younger generations.




Next, Captain Cheryl Smith is going to join us.   We are going to chat with Capt. Cheryl about fishing in eastern Wisconsin, Lake Geneva and Lake Delton area.  And we are going to talk about places you can fish from shore – places to take your kids for an hour or two…or three or four!  No, you don’t need a fancy boat!

Captain Cheryl Smith, aka, ‘OutdoorGirl’ is a multi-species angler on both open and ice. She has spent the last 10 years working in the fishing industry representing several major manufacturers. She is a USCG licensed Master Captain, local tournament angler, and contributor to local radio shows, podcasts, and several publications. She works and volunteers at an animal welfare organization saving precious animal lives.  Cheryl was a popular seminar speaker at this year’s Wisconsin Fishing Expo!