Getting Your Dog in Shape / Jigging Walleyes / Storing & Protecting Your “Toys”

Did your dog get out of shape this winter ? 

Meet Brian Stichter from High Brass Sporting Dogs.  Brian will walk us through what happens when your dogs get out of shape and how important it is to get them back in shape long before hunting season.
Then…..if a new puppy is in your future, Brian will give us some tips on how to pick out a pup, who will be your buddy and your hunting pal.
Link to High Brass Sporting Dogs:

So, you want to learn how to jig for walleyes?

Meet Jason Przekurat, professional walleye angler and 2016 ANGLER OF THE YEAR.   Jason will be giving all of us some tips of jigging the ever elusive walleye.
Link to Jason’s website, check out his amazing fishing career :


Time to think about protecting your “stuff” & Mike Wuennemann from Cleary Building Corp can help

So, we have all of these expensive trucks, cars, boats, ATVs, bikes, kayaks, canoes, 4-wheelers, snowmobiles…..(need I go on?) oh…wait…and horses.   They need protection and Mike will tell us how to find the right type of protection for your needs and theirs.    Protect your investment!
Go to Cleary Building:   Check out their on-line resources to begin!