Cedar Valley Hunting Preserve update AND Getting your family outdoors !
We are excited to have Jeff Maier back with us. You may remember that Jeff and his wife Jennifer own the Cedar Valley Lodge and Hunt Club and…..it is almost time for them to open up for the fall season. “Cedar Valley Preserve has rapidly become Southern Wisconsin’s premier destination for upland game hunting, turkey hunting, and is highly regarded as a quality deer-managed property for white tail bow hunting. Unlike traditional hunt clubs, Cedar Valley Preserve is known for its personable, family-orientated atmosphere and rustic charm thus a popular retreat for sportsmen, nature enthusiasts, families and friends.” check out their website: http://www.cedarvalleypreserve.com/
We are glad to welcome Brian Posick, Sports Announcer at Clear Channel Communications. We asked Brian to talk with us about way to get your whole family outdoors…..activities for kids and adults. Now that the weather is cooling down a bit and some of the mosquitoes have left, it is a good time to plan those family outings. Remember, the fresh air is good for the body and the soul!