Starting & Maintaining a Food Plot AND Fishing the Madison Chain of Lakes
John O’Brion from Grandpa Ray Outdoors will be joining us to talk about food plots, property visits, online mapping, soil test analysis, plant tissue analysis, and fertilizer recommendations.
John has a degree in Ag Business/Ag-Economics. In 1991, he became one of the first independent ruminant nutritionists in the United States. In 1992, he started selling alfalfa, clover, small grains and other seeds. He was involved in research at the state level for the discovery farm program, sampling forages every week to show the differences in quality and still provides nutrition work for other nutrition consultants and independent agri businesses. In 2015, he started Grandpa Ray Outdoors to educate people and raise money for our youth.
Next, we welcome back Tony Puccio, pro angler and fishing guide. Tony will talk about fishing the chain of Madison Lakes this summer and fall.
Lake Mendota, Lake Monona, Lake Wingra, Lake Wabesa and Lake Kegonsa.